Tuesday 29 March 2011

Aftermath of terrorism in Pakistan

Pakistan is the greatest victim of terrorism as a result of so called war on terror; its economy has so far suffered huge loss of over $40 billion during the last nine years of this war in addition to irreparable social losses. Investment is at the lowest level. Growing poverty is affecting the whole nation resulting to fuel further to strengthen already caused terrorism. Today out of 170 millions populations, about 60% is living below the poverty line; Poverty, lack of justice and socio-economic alienation are being exploited by the terrorist outfits and their masterminds to lure young impressionable minds and recruit them as suicide bombers. People do not have to eat two times a day that encourages them to adopt illicit alternatives to meet their basic needs. The widening gap between the rich and poor is also providing an opportunity to the terrorists to cash this feeling of being ignored in the poverty struck regions.
Not all but some, especially perturbed youth definitely fall prey of the net spread by the terrorist outfits. Our leadership, instead of taking effective steps to expunge the terrorism by ensuring access to justice for all, promoting widespread education, raising employment opportunities, eradicating poverty, and development of channel of communication, is constantly engaged in its own activities. Corruption is touching its new heights reaching at 34th world ranking, political appointments are continuing to be showered on near and dear ones and those paying bribe. Employment rate in private sector is declining due to deepening energy crisis and resultant closure of industrial units.
Pakistan’s economy has been severely affected by its commitment to fighting extremism. The socio-political cost of terrorism and militancy inflicted on our country is immeasurable. Pakistan is the country that has made sacrifices and is still doing so. The threat of terrorism has caused a tremendous loss to the economy. The imprudent policies being pursued by the government has reduced the country to such demeaning position that country is being likened to a dog. It is better to die than descending to such lowest level of subservience and submission. This amount of degradation is intolerable and it is a matter of concern for the nation.
The most important impact of terrorist activity is reduction in the flow of private finance into the country. It has happened at the time when Pakistan is running very high trade and balance of payments deficits. The rise in suicide attacks and counter-terror operations by the Pak Army has led to flight of capital that peaked in 2009-2010. Now Pakistani investors are even not inclined to invest in Pakistan what to say about foreign investors. Pakistani officials have no answer to foreign investors who ask them why they should invest in Pakistan when Pakistanis themselves were investing in other countries. No one comes to invest in a country like Pakistan confronted with a debt trap and a growing fiscal deficit in addition to terrorism and law and order situation. Pakistan’s debt has gone above 60% of GDP during the previous two years and fiscal deficit is growing. FDI is the engine of to-day economic growth. Countries need more FDI and FPI in order to generate job opportunities, and desired economic targets. For Pakistan, it is a question of sustenance because FDI is vital for the reduction of widening of trade and account deficits. Hence it is imperative for the Government to convince the international investors for more and more FDI and FPI. While fighting against terrorism, Government needs to take concrete steps which would ensure foreign investors that their investment is safe in Pakistan and it is a key to wiping out terrorism within the country and worldwide.

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